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Meet the Residents


The one and only. The face of the franchise. Steven is an adventurous soul with a super-powered smile. He loves to cook, sing, and take photographs. Steven has a huge heart, loves to socialize, and cheers on his friends in all they do.

Carl is happiest when he is helping out and is always looking for work. In his spare time, he loves to bowl and actually once met Arnold Schwarzenegger while carrying the torch for SONJ!


Andrew joined Smile in 2018 and immediately fit right in. His high energy and positive outlook are infectious. When he's not partying, Andrew loves to play video games and Irish step dance.


Arthur is an absolute joy! He is a hard-working man and is proud of his job at Green Vision. He cherishes his friends and family more than anything and does a mean Danny Zuko impression on the mic.


Nate is our resident farmer. He enjoys cooking all sorts of food, but it must be done from scratch! He also loves his job at Green Vision and singing Karaoke whenever he gets a chance.


Miley was affectionately dubbed "Smiley" by Carl. She has become the house mascot and is adored by all the guys (though Nate wishes she didn't shed so much).

When Michael first heard of SMILE, he made it his life goal to move in here. Michael is proud to have accomplished this goal and is excited to continue to set goals and meet them.


Teddy finds joy in everything he does. Upon, moving into SMILE he was immediately an active participant in everything SMILE does. His humor and high energy keep everyone in stitches and on their toes. 


Gavin is thoughtful and always considerate of others. Gavin loves alligators and messing with "telescammers". He's proud to reside at SMILE and is excited for the future.


Alex feels that SMILE is a second chance in many ways. He had a rough few years and is excited to become "Alex 2.0" while at SMILE. He loves his job at Weis and collecting fans.


Harrison is


Dan is very active in his commun ity and is excited to join SMILE to help him further increase his activity levels. In the future, Dan hopes to find a new job.

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